Ok well if you've made it this far i can tell you more

But first things first. I need to let you know other intelligent life out there has guided me this far. So know that we are not the superior beings. They want us to evolve to where we should be in order to visit them on their planets but we need to change a few things before they'll give us the secrets they know as far as light speed goes. 

Um i hope this will reach enough people to make a difference. If so we save our planet and become what we need to. for them to pass on the next step of the knowledge we need to get there. I can only teach those willing to learn to listen to understand. 


If you want to know more keep reading. They've entrusted me with an amount of knowledge that will change our path and help the planet recouperate from the damage we've done to her being mother nature. If you believe then share this website with as many as you can. This is only as good as you allow it to be. The choice is yours.

If you want to change what we thought we knew as we've been taught i have the answers n so do they it's only a matter of time before we reach enough to make a difference. Um if you believe then you'll share this n become a part of the dark crew. N if anybody asks where you got this intel you can just tell them we love you dark crew. Thus being the aliens who have taught me. So know this with or without you we will get to the people to enlighten them to become a stronger better future for our children and future generations to come.


If you want to know more ask away at n know this theres never a stupid question only stupid answers from those that don't know n are afraid to say they don't know.
