Trying to change the world. The one, the few or the many people at a time. 


It is a journey that has to be taken

Maybe it is to see whats on the otherside

Maybe it's to show them whats on the otherside

Maybe just maybe it's to guide them to a better life.


You got to give a little to get a little.


I can only teach those that want to learn and all you got to do is learn to listen to understand


From a caterpillar into a butterfly off to see the world from a whole new perspective.


Anything is possible. I'll l teach you that if you don't believe. Remember change all started with one.  Only you can change you do it today for a better tomorrow. 


The weak revenge

The strong forgive

The intelligent ignore therefore they are a nuisance 

But a genius offers/teaches a better way.


Simplicity is the ultimate answer often overlooked as it is all to easy an answer. 


You show me the team to get the job done ill give you the know how to pull it off.


As I've got somewhere to be but nowhere to go and nowhere to go but somewhere to be. 


Instead I'm getting lost in the halls trying to gather my thoughts.


The thought of a better set of words could set a man straight. 


As Einstein said. Simplicity is genius. 


He also said. 

If you cannot explain it so a 5 year old understands it you don't know what you are talking about. Einstein


Remember the only easy day was yesterday. Tomorrow never comes. So make the change today for a better tomorrow. 


What is training for?  To prepare the mind to handle situations. 


What is a challenge? Anything that gets in your way. where you have to alter your way of thinking just to figure it out. 


When you are ready 

Hearts and minds wide open

I'll be waiting 

Come find me. 


If this caught your attention and peaked your interest please go read my mission statement as it contains the solutions we need so mother nature doesn't explode. 


Thank you 

Darren Girvan

The wolfpack