Here's perpetual motion for you. 

Get 2 strong magnets make sure they are neodymium ones as they last from what we can tell 400yrs. Now take 2 circle ones n try to push the likes poles together till you are as close as you can get them make sure they don't waiver. Then encircle them with same magnets and the same poles as close as possible. Now give the circling ones a spin n at a certain RPMs the inertia will take over. Eh voila. 


To help you better understand this concept

Picture the 2 magnets in the center trying to push together like poles they generate lines of flux from south to north. These interact with the lines of flux of the circling magnets which in turn creates motion. Now to get more torque out of this simply enclose the circle of surrounding magnets and if you want to see lines of flux take one magnet n put it under paper then on top of the paper pour iron filings they magically appear. There you have it. 



Ok now for you pure energy at a moments notice. .... start with an electromagnetic fusion motor and use a replica of the core of the earth n wrap it in volcanic rock n enclose the motor it'll heat up beyond imagination eh voila pure energy. 


Ok this will be the most effective and efficient cell we can create. Now we already know how to make a solar cell so we are almost there but we are missing chlorophil so in the crystaline silicone layers between the circuits use the ancient matwrials to create green in a painting. I believe its sulphur so there you have it duplicate mother nature. You are close this will help.