Please read till the end as it'll make sense as we go from a caterpillar into a butterfly off to see the world from a whole new perspective.
Im going to show you the interconnectedness of us. but to tie us to the planet i want to say this chimpanzees and humanoids came from africa. Primates took care of first humanoids n im willing to bet animals and people have the same water content and land mass as mother nature.
Also that we need the nutrients, micronutrients and elements in the periodic table to thrive. Oh and glucose, salt and so on. Hmmm imagine that. The interconnectedness of us animals n the planet as if we all evolved here from the planet for the planet. Now knowing that we can better understand her and us by way of we already understand certain things we just have to elaborate on certain aspects like the fact we breathe she breathes we bleed she bleeds and we contribute to ecosystems and environments creating balance in said systems around the world so do animals all a puzzle piece needed to help that system balance out um but we've done a horrible thing and caused mom to get sick um shes taken care of us for how many years dont you love your original mother of all living things as we know them so isn't it time to take care of her.
Its never to late to do the right thing even when nobody is looking. That's integrity we are testing yours.
Have no fear the answers are here.
I'm in partnership with those that think without limits.
We design build finance n operate dreams.
Cause we are:
Doing it right
Depending on you
Guided by us.
Your present circumstances do not determine where you can go
They merely determine where you start.
Nido quebein.
It is during our darkest moments we must focus on the light. Aristotle onassis
Keep it simple for everyone involved they'll appreciate it.
So whats the planet made of mostly
80%salt water
What are we made of mostly
80%salt water with a little glucose
Um so our organs skin muscle tendons n such represent 20% land mass
Like this planet so maybe you might believe we evolved here by this planet for the planet
Well knowing that we came from mother nature she let us evolve here from where we started so why arent we taking care of her
I've been saying this for 6yrs cause if we dont shes going to burn us to death
So now do you have a possible solution to how we do this
Dam im way ahead.........
So if we evolved here from mother nature n shes water we are water same as her n her land mass is same as ours lets say her land mass has to breathe like our skin. What would happen if you wrapped yourself in plastic wrap
You'd suffocate to death. Knowing this maybe her land mass has to breathe n we are clogging say her pores she breathes threw hence sweating like we do when we excercise
Only for her sweating means over heating hence global warming
So now if you believe that then keep reading n its self explanatory as you come closer to the end so onward n upward we go as she needs.
So please read on n keep an open mind as we go from a caterpillar into a butterfly off to see the world from a whole new perspective. It'll all make sense at the end.
Um first step to implementing my solutions. Handling the garbage.
Um by building buildings in certain locations with incinerators with the ability to incinerate garbage n put air filters in place to clean the air before it goes into atmosphere we can use catalytic converters first in line then carbon filters then finally an ionizer thus cleaning the air we breathe helping her cycle what she needs how she needs and also this incineration will leave ash which we can spread throughout locations integral such as farmer fields at year end allowing her to break them down during winter allowing her to produce the nutrients and elements she needs to thrive thus providing fertilizer for next years crop so the farmers won't need man made fertilizer which is made from burning fossil fuels.
Incinerate garbage. Um lessening our footprint by means of no waste
Putting air filters in such a manner she gets the cleanest air possible from this process giving her and us something to breathe.
And spreading her ashes in certain locations throughout the land feeding her needs.
Thats 3 huh also creating jobs which allows for specialized workforce that can be unionized thus providing security for the workers with an excellent benefit package making them more admirable thus driving the economy with a certain moral amongst them huh thats a few more so many birds one stone huh not bad for a rookie huh.
step 2 of the cleaning process
Putting air filters on roof tops these can consist of catalytic converters carbon filters and finally ionizers in that order thus providing the cleanest air possible in such a fashion that we solve emissions and particulates and even down to a particle level via ionizer which negatively charges the ions which dont carry a smell. Huh thus cleaning the air helping her n us breathe. Hmmm also like to point out these such filters would need a maitenance team installers n professionals to like engineers to design a filter big enough for which ever roof we want to put it on creating the need for a manufacturing facility as well n workers n a union n experts to guide them um driving the economy to a level we haven't thought of also pointing out there'd be great moral amongst workers n society by simple means keeping it simple is key so as everybody understands. As einstein said simplicity is the ultimate answer often overlooked as the right answer. Huh he somehow knew what he knew. Mother nature is crying n sick n being from the planet for the planet shes our original mother dont you love your mother n want to take care of her shes taken care of us for this long. Why not return the favor. Huh creating a more harmonious future for her n us.
Step 3
Well now we can utilize used cooking oil to create biodiesel which can then be used on many scales including but not limited to producing energy. Um fuel for vehicles, heavy equipment, trains and ships as they already have diesel engines. With minimal adjustments will run on biodiesel. Lessening the need for fossil fuels.
Step 4
We could gather the waste from cows horses pigs and bats and let farmers gather this so when it breaks down we could harness the methane it creates giving us alternative fuel source for above mentioned and commercial and industrial plants this process would create heat we can harness to power nearby homes and buildings thus closing the loop. Then we could liquify the methane for planes and space shuttles lessening the need for fossil fuels. Now at the end of this process we'd have leftover waste n we could then grind up for more fertilizer to be spread in specified locations. Now we could also use this fuel as the source for the incinerators in step 1. Thus closing the loop n creating a circular cycle.
Step 5
Taking the leaves and other yard debris and crushing it up into mulch size pieces then spreding that on specified land such as farm or forest to help feed mother nature. Thus help her create balance.
Now another step
Would be to get people from around the world to grow coral reefs to be implanted into the oceans in those areas um they would need strict guidelines as to salt levels and temperatures of the ocean in their areas so implanting will be easy now this will help mother nature balance herself as needed to help get rid of pollutants that are generated by human activity. Thus giving back even more.
Ok so since we know n understand how to fix her we can learn how she operates and learn how to take care of what she needs to thrive so here goes um knowing her land mass is her skin, the core her brain, magma her nervous system, coral reef her kidneys, plants, trees and all are her lungs, mountains her liver, wetlands her pancreas, the water table within her heart and the water is her blood um now we know what areas to rejuvinate with those nutrients minerals n elements that she needs. oh also nobody else has come up with this so far so hmmm. Is there something wrong with me or my beliefs or am i just crazy.
Ok here's some experiments to test these theories as i believe is needed to sway your vote of confidence in me. The mountains being her liver supply minerals, nutrients and elements as she needs in her water table within so when it rains it lands on top on said mountains and flows downhill picking up these needs subtrates to help her thrive and create balance as she needs so lets take water samples from different altitudes n measure said ingreduants that create this dough so we know what she needs to operate optimally at peak performance at diffrrents levels of contamination. Based on our human activity. Now that we are testing these waters we can figure out what she needs where she needs it as it flows downhill the water settles at plateaus n gets absorbed threw her intracate system of pores being her skin that has to breathe. Hmmm then we can further undetstsnd her intracacies as our interconnectedness becomes prevalent n helps guide us to harmony with mother nature. So this will solve alot.
Now next test
Take samples from the fresh water preserves of the wetlands to see what she picks up there n along the way threw her filter as i said the earth is powered by magma cooled by water she is a filter n will cleanse herself along the way as she needs to create such balance. Ok test time. Now the mountains will be understood better n her intracacies we need to know what role each layer provides along the way threw each layer of sediment during the flow of water getting to said water table within her heart the water table n water being her blood she needs to spread threw out her skin as living things here need her blood to survive essentially making us all vampires. Hmmm well thats just to start come back for more in a matter of time I'll provide more insight to these interconntedness between us n our plant. Being mother nature. As the ancient hebrew bible says if we can figure this out we figure out longevity. For her n us. So join me n do the right tests n experiments to help prove this all.
Next experiment
Take samples from the layers in the sediments left behind within the grand canyon n learn what she needs before n after the glacial periods that we know happened after a catastrophic event. So take these samples from the before layers the during layers and the after layers n figure out her aborbtion rate of her filter as her skin breathes and takes the nutrients elements n minerals to the water table her heart to be pumped threw out the system to sustain life on her surface n you will come to my conclusion. Do the tests.
Now to further understand this get to antarctica n take samples from the glacers there at the levels created by time it took to form as we think we understand that already. Learn her needs in those locations so we can give back more of what she needs. Thus creating balance in the system. Hmmm im on it. Do the tests prove me wrong.
Ok another test to run.
Take more samples from around volcanoes under the volcanic rock that magma created n see what kind of those essential items are there that shes collecting after a catastrophic event being the erruption. Also take samples from within the magma see what essential items they have that she can alter during her freeze cycle at the end of such an event so she can transform the leftovers into what she needs. Now also take samples from pompeii near mount viscouvious with the sediment layers over n under the erruption periods to see the rate of absorbtion that it takes her to complete new balance cause shes getting the nutrients elements n minerals she needs to thaw out n start a new cycle. Yet we know enough about this yet we haven't done these tests to prove my process will alter these events as she'll remain in balance n be at peace from within. Lets do the test experiments to put the proof in the pudding.
Ok now onto more proof we'll discover her needs and be able to give back in a meaningful way. Take core samples of her skin the landmass down to the water table n do experiments from each layer n see whats there as far as nutrients, minerals and elements needed to sustain life. This will allow us to figure out her absorbtion rate also whats getting to the heart her water table within. Now if we can take samples of that water in the water table being her blood she needs to pump threw her pores or arteries back to the surface for life as we know it. We'll know what she needs to have balance from within getting to the root causes of the weather patterns on the surface. Now we can do what needs to be done n give back.
Then go to the garbage sites n scrap yards where we store our waste and core drill n see whats in the layers n figure out whats there thats not in the layers of those taken from above n learn what she doesnt need. It clogs the filter. Ok enough homework.
Powered by magma cooled by water she is a filter. The simple answer im giving you the steps you need to figure out. The ultimate answer to. How do you tame a beast?.
Control the emotions. If we cannot help her clean her filter she won't create more in time. As she needs to help control the level of pollution so was anyone keeping track of those levels. So we know at what point her filter. Will be clogged to much n we'll know due to the weather patterns. Ahhh
Maybe this is all the answers they don't want the people to know. Or maybe we all need these answers. So I'm just getting lost in the halls trying to gather my thoughts.
Another question did anyone in the last hundred years take water test say at natural springs such as those in oak ridges moraine. Take that water n flood the land with clean water and essential shes taking a bath. Theres a creek known as pigeon river head waters and you can drink it without getting diarrhea. Also at another location but any wetlands provide the answers.
Now bringing up the wetlands. If you want to build on them you are just contaminating her heart essentially her blood n us. Fix the filter solve the problem find the natural springs you can drink from n flood the land give her a shower. Aha. The ultimate simple answer.
You got to give a little to get a little.
Now onto proof do your research and you'll find out written in history proven by science the fact all the mass extinctions that have happened all stemmed from her not being able to breathe and cycle her water properly. So now if we help her she'll balance out again but she needs our TLC to accomplish that. So lets give her a hand and do just that. As she is Mindenkinel szebb. (Beautiful beyond all others).
Onward and upward we go as she needs it.
Be the reason somebody smiles.
When you are ready
hearts n minds wide open
I'll be waiting come find me.
Global warming solved with our help of course. We can fix people but we do not understand her. Hopefully this is opening your eyes into her intracacies n our interconnectedness into our world.
Remember change all started with one.
Change is inevitable learn to embrace it.
Well now im getting somewhere the union of concerned scientists got ahold of me and asked a question they wanted to know basically if i had any ideas to rebuild the infrastructure. That wont affect mother nature. So i told them my ideas being that we need to build up not out with government grants n billionaire danations so this is it um we can incentivise a homeowner to change their house into a building that'll be state of the art tech so its self suffient and um effective. So with the donated money they can pay for a say min 6 plex up to 6 floors that'll be say all bachlors a mix of those or bigger. As no single person needs more than a bachelor that'll consist of wifi on each floor with a roku tv in the apartment, microwave, stove, fridge n whatever anybody needs not wants. To survive. Then we will supply spaces for growth of the population so lnto how n where we start. Well in cities with colleges and universities. With the grant money from the government to start now this can say be a 100 million to whatever number they work out on the assumption if you build it they will come.going with credentials for whatever area. So now back to the building. The foundation has to be strong enough to support however many more floors in the future as we grow. So now back to the homeowners that allowed us to do this will get put up in the fanciest hotel in the area for the time it takes to build the building the home owner will now own n collect rent min bachelor capped at 600 max for at least 10 yrs controlling the rent price and up to a 3 bedroom at 1500 locked in for the contract. Now if the home owner is smart they'll open a business and give an apartment to a maitenance person. Then we have room for us n our future after we take care of mother nature. So now we have taken care of the cities we can move to the useful land around the cities into farm land now we need farmers workers n specialists to fix the equipment. That'll get started by allocating land near the cities to people with certain credentials that'll run the farm with. To start they'll need a, one of the 6 floor state of the art tech. N my step by step process implemented they have to follow certain rules and regulations for mother nature now the buildings with foundation for more floors in the future. On the land will house the workers n consist of already explained bachelors for the workers n others max rent 600 to non worker. Now the workers to incentivise them grant them 1000 to start and 5000 if they stay all yr or you could split the 5000 over months they work here getting balance at yr end. Creating jobs n room for our future. Then to ensure cleanliness offer jobs to the homeless to carry a monitor the garbage put out on garbage day whatever map they use on that day. N inspect and tie the bags the home owner will leave open in a container with a lid for inspection. There pay can be controlled by OW already in place. Creating jobs for the less fortunate giving them hope. Driving the economy by way of more taxes paid. Now we can create an app to monitor them they'll need to sign in at whatever time they want to pull it off so they get paid appropriately. After say 4hrs they need 3 to 4 off. Also what the hell in ontario we can recycle the plastics but everywhere else gets paid a nickel or maybe a dime by now to return them. Hmmm incentives go a long way you know.
Working late night. Not that we hate light. Just feels like thats when the words come out right.
Our grandparents generation fucked it up baby boomers exacerbated the issue. Generation x brings it back to reality. The millenials take it to the next level..
Thank you:
Darren Girvan